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  1. The diaphragm that divides the torso into the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Is the principle muscle of the breath that causes three-dimensional shape change in the two cavities. The shape of the diaphragm is like a parachute

  2. The pelvic diaphragm where it happens the mula banda which is a lifting action produced in the pelvic floor muscles when they are active.

  3. The vocal diafragm consists of the muscles of the vocal cords that regulate glottis (the gateway to the respiratory passages). When the exercises call for long, deep, slow breaths, the glottis can partially closed as it happens in whispered speech; in yoga it's known as ujjayi, the victorious breath

All three diafragms come together with ujjayi in yoga movements that are coordinated with inhaling and exhaling​. These coordinated actions of the diafragms (bandhas) create more sthira (stability) in the body, protecting it from injury by redistributing mechanical stress.

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