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{1.40}  When one reaches this state, nothing is beyond comprehension. The mind can follow and help  understand the simple and the complex, the infinite and the infinitesimal, the perceptible and the imperceptible.




{1.41} When the mind is free from distraction, it is possible for all mental processes to be involved in the object of inquiry. As one remains in this state, gradually one becomes totally immersed in the object. The mind then, like a flawless diamond, reflects only the features of the object and nothing else.





{1.42} Initially, because of our past experiences and ideas, our understanding of the object is distorded. Everything that has been heard, read or felt may interfere with our perception.




{1.43} When the direction of the mind toward the object is sustained, the ideas and memories of the past gradually recede. The mind becomes crystal clear and one with the object. At this moment there is no feeling of oneself. This is pure perception.




{1.44} This process is possible with any type of object, at any level of perception, wether superficial and general or in-depth and specific.




{1.45} Except that the mind cannot comprehend the very source of perception within us, its objects can be unlimited.

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